The results obtained from these calculators are for general purposes only to illustrate the effect of compound interest and are not intended as a substitute for professional financial advice. Before making any financial decisions on the basis of these results, you will need to consult with an independent financial planner or accountant as well as consider whether the advice is suitable to meet your personal financial objectives and circumstances.
The actual performance of any investments will depend on future economic conditions, investment management, fees and taxation. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance and as a result of this, all the results are hypothetical and are NOT GUARANTEED.
Nambawan Super specifically disclaims any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of or in any way connected with the access to or use of these calculators. To the extent permitted by law, under no circumstances will Nambawan Super be liable for any loss or damage caused by a user's reliance on the information by using these calculators.
Projected super balance at retirement:
The projected total super balance takes into account your starting balance, employee and employer contributions, any additional voluntary contributions as well as interest earned between now and your retirement.
Retirement age:
We have assumed a default retirement age of 65. This can be adjusted in the calculator.
Working life:
The calculator assumes that you will have a continuous working life with no breaks up to your retirement age.
Interest rate:
The default investment returns have been set at 6.0%. This is based on the Nambawan Super 10-year average interest rate.
Employee contributions:
PNG Superannuation laws dictate that 6% is the mandatory minimum contribution for employees to make. Employees may choose to contribute more than the minimum.
Employer contributions:
PNG Superannuation laws dictate that 8.4% is the mandatory minimum contribution that employers have to make. Employers may choose to contribute more than the minimum.
Nambawan Super's Member Discount Program helps you stretch your money further, offering instant discounts and special offers from our discount partners nationwide.

Get your Membership Card
Here are the steps required for you to receive your Membership card to start saving today.
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Redeem a Discount
Find out what you need to do to redeem a discount at an NSL discount partner near you.
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Become a Partner
Enjoy the benefits of becoming a Nambawan Super Member Discount Partner.
Learn moreExplore the many ways you can save.
Air Niugini
Discount Details: 10% off on cargo
Call: (675) 327 3316
Email: CSC@airniugini.com.pg
Discount Details: K50 off all airfares. Conditions apply and offer is limited to non-peak travel periods.
Call: (675) 7411 2644
Email: reservations@pngair.com.pg
Brian Bell
Discount Details: 15% off products (excluding items on special).
Call: (675) 325 5411
Email: info@brianbell.com
All workers barber shop
Discount Details: 20% off
Atlas Steel PNG
Discount Details:
- 10% off Fully kitted HS40/60/90 house
- Free kitchen with Ezi Built starter house
- 5% off All housing products
- 10% off All fencing materials
Phone: (675) 321 1233
Badili Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off items (except items on special)
Email: sales@badilihardware.com
Phone: (675) 303 7200 or (675) 7999 7200
Cellar Restaurant
Discount Details: 10% off
Chemica Ltd
Discount Details: 15% off
CHM (Chin H Meen & Sons Ltd)
Discount Details:
- 5% off mobiles
- 10% off computers
- 10% off drones
Email: enquiry@chm.com.pg
Phone: (675) 301 0500
Danny's Car Rental
Discount Details: 5% off
Dove Funeral Services
Discount Details: 25% off services
Email: info@dovefunerals.com.pg
Phone: (675) 7000 8101 or 323 9654
The Funeral Home
Discount Details: 10% off services
Email: iravenpol80@gmail.com
Phone: (675) 325 7793
Glow Hair Boutique
Discount Details: 10% off services
Email: glowhairboutique@gmail.com
Phone: (675) 7168 2232
Hanua Haus Limited
Discount Details: 10% off
Hardware Haus
Discount Details: 10% off
Holiday Inn & Suites
Discount Details:
- 15% off food and beverage from Kopi Haus restaurant, Gekko Bar & Great Room
- 20% off accommodation on daily best rates ONLY
Email: ihgpngsales@ihg.com
Phone: (675) 303 2000
Ideal Hardware
Discount Details: 11% off
Ideal Homecentre
Discount Details: 15% off
Kambual Medical Clinic
Discount Details: 20% off
Lamana Hotel
Discount Details: 15% off
Email: info@lamana.com.pg
Phone: (675) 323 2333
Pacific Foam Limited
Discount Details: 30% off
Email: uttam@pacificfoam.com.pg
Phone: (675) 7213 3021
Pacific International Hospital
Discount Details: 20% (Laboratory, radiology & inpatient services)
Email: info@pihpng.com
Help line: (675) 7998 8000
Emergency: (675) 7111 4000
Paradise Private Hospital
Discount Details: 15% off
Phone: 325 6022
Emergency: 325 2143
Email: pphenquiries@pahgrp.com
Plumbers & Builders Supplies
Discount Details: 10% off
Powa Industries
Discount Details: 10%off
Quality Group
Discount Details: 10% off
Sanctuary Hotel Resort and Spa
Discount Details: 20% off restaurant food, non-alcoholic beverages
Email: reservations@thesanctuaryhotelpom.com
Phone: (675) 303 7400
SED Optical
Discount Details: 25% off services
Email: sedltd@sedoptical.com
Phone: (675) 325 6433
Shady Rest Hotel
Discount Details: 10% off
Email: reservations@shadyrest.com.pg
Phone: (675) 7323 0000
Solar Solutions PNG Ltd
Discount Details: 15% (All Products)
Email: sales1@solarsolutionspng.com
Phone: (675) 7352 9034 / 7626 7708
Discount Details: 10% off meals
Phone: (675) 7629 0488
Tasty Bites
Discount Details: 10% off meals
Phone: (675) 321 2222
Theodist PNG Ltd
Discount Details: 10% off
Email: sales@theodist.com.pg
Phone: (675) 313 9800 / 7232 1300
WR Dental Clinic
Discount Details: 20% off
Email: wrdentalclinic7mile@gmail.com
Phone: (675) 7173 1933
YFIG Home Centre
Discount Details: 15% off
Alotau Hardware
Discount Details:
- 20% off purchases over K1000
- 10% off purchases under K1000
Jacel's Guest House
Discount Details: 10% off
Masurina Lodge
Discount Details: 10% off
Milne Bay Hardware
Discount Details: 20% off
ProTravels Hire Car
Discount Details: 10% off
Quality Steel Supplies
Discount Details: 20% off
Rural Power Supplies
Discount Details: 20% off
Goroka Didiman Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off products
Goroka Private Clinic
Discount Details: 10% off services
Gulix Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off products
Kainantu Hotel
Discount Details: 10% off accommodation
Pacific Gardens Hotel
Discount Details: 10% off accommodation
Phone: (675) 532 3418
Red River Lodge
Discount Details: 10% off accommodation
Anitua Hardware
Discount Details: 15% off
Dong Sheng Investments
Discount Details: 5% off Electrical and Hardware
Family Group Hardware
Discount Details: 15% off Hardware
Hamamas Trading
Discount Details: 10% off
Handyman Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off
Huilong Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off
Islands Building Supplies
Discount Details: 10% off
Jotee Daughters
Discount Details: 15% off
Kavieng Transit Haus
Discount Details: 10% off
PMM’s Limited
Discount Details: 5% off Hardware
Zero Stores Limited
Discount Details: 15% off
Discount Details: 10% off products
Chemica Ltd
Discount Details: 15% off products
KBSA Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off hardware
Leon Enterprise Limited
Discount Details: 5% off products
West New Britain Clinic
Discount Details: 10% off services
Dynamic Engineering & Construction
Discount Details: 30% off electrical, 25% off hardware and 20% off timber
North Fly Building & Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off hardware
Unique Hardware Limited
Discount Details: 15% off hardware
WP Const & Pharmacy Hardware
Discount Details: 15% off
Z.C Investment Limited
Discount Details: 5% off
Bishop Brothers
Discount Details: 10% off
Gazelle International Hotel
Discount Details: 15% off
Email: marketing@gazelle.com.pg
Phone: (675) 982 5600
H3 International
Discount Details:
- 7% off IT equipment
- 10% off Printing
- 15% off Stationery
Hongland Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off
Leon Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off
Plumbers & Builders Supplies
Discount Details: 10% off
Rapopo Plantation Resort
Discount Details: 15% off
Email: reservations@rapopo.com
Phone: (675) 982 9944
Etnambo Builders
Discount Details: 15% off
Haus Line
Discount Details: 10% off
Mengagle Builders
Discount Details: 10% off
All workers barber shop
Discount Details: 15% off
Atlas Steel PNG
Discount Details:
- 10% off Fully kitted HS40/60/90 house
- Free kitchen with Ezi Built starter house
- 5% off All housing products
10% off All fencing materials
Phone: (675) 321 1233
Badili Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off items (except items on special)
Email: sales@badilihardware.com
Phone: (675) 303 7200 or (675) 7999 7200
Chemica Ltd
Discount Details: 15% off
CHM (Chin H Meen & Sons Ltd)
Discount Details:
- 5% off mobiles
- 10% off computers
- 10% off drones
Email: enquiry@chm.com.pg
Phone: (675) 301 0500
Handyman and Hardware Stores
Discount Details: 7% off
Mainland Plumbing Hardware Supplies
Discount Details: 15% off
Morobe Stationery
Discount Details: 20% off
Nesian Beauty
Discount Details: 20% off
Niu Electrical
Discount Details: 15% off
Discount Details: 20% off
A2Z Hardware
Discount Details:
- 10% off selected hardware only
- 15% off selected hardware and homeware only
- 20% off selected homeware
Airport Resort Hotel
Discount Details:
- 20% off accommodation
- 10% off meals
Bulldog Suppliers
Discount Details: 10% off
Chemica Limited
Discount Details: 15% off
Hotel Kimininga
Discount Details: 20% off
Kintip Surgery
Discount Details: 20% off
Masip Electrical & Constructions Ltd
Discount Details: 10% off
McRoyal Hotel
Discount Details: 10% off
Mountain Plumbing & Hardware Supplies
Discount Details: 15% off
Perjant Care Dental Centre
Discount Details: 15% off
Chemica Limited
Discount Details: 15% off
Madang Hardware
Discount Details: 10% off
Madang Medical Centre
Discount Details: 17% off
Madang Resort Hotel
Discount Details: 10% off
Email: reservations@madangresort.com
Phone: (675) 422 2655
Natu Medical Services
Discount Details: 10% off
Handyman and Hardware Stores
Discount Details: 7% off
Harly Trading
Discount Details: 15% off
Lukuni Lodge
Discount Details: 20% off
HQH Hardware
Discount Details: 5% off
TE Hardware Limited
Discount Details: 15% off
Unique Hardware Limited
Discount Details: 15% off
Emmawu Guest House
Discount Details: 10% off
Golden Medallion Hotel
Discount Details: 10% off
Horizon Business Systems
Discount Details: 10% off
Vanimo Forest Products
Discount Details: 10% off
Vanimo Supermarket
Discount Details: 6% off
BP Hardware
Discount Details: 15% off
KTL Hardware
Discount Details: 15% off
SMK Building Supplies
Discount Details: 10% off
Chemica Limited
Discount Details: 15% off
Leon Hardware
Discount Details: 5-15% off
United Auto Parts
Discount Details: 5% off
Village Inn Hotel & Apartments
Discount Details: 10% off
Email: reservations@villageinn.online
Phone: (675) 7459 8185
Get your Membership Card
To receive your Nambawan Super Limited Membership Card visit your nearest Nambawan Super Branch with the following:
- Valid form of ID or confirmation letter from your employer
- Your Nambawan Super membership number
- Recent payslip
Your NSL Membership card will be printed for you at the Branch upon presenting these details.
How to redeem a discount
In order to redeem your discount from a Member Discount Partner, you must simply display your Nambawan Super membership card at the counter.
Become a Partner
Enjoy the benefits of becoming a Nambawan Super Member Discount Partner by receiving:
- Advertising through electronic direct mail (EDM) straight to our Members
- Advertising on the Nambawan Super website with direct links to your website and social media pages
- Advertising on social media
To register your interest, fill in your details for our Marketing Team to get in touch.