Investment returns

From year to year returns may go up or down. Over the long-term we've delivered strong returns!

*Over the last 10 years, NSL has delivered an average interest rate of over 6%, which is above the average Consumer Price Index (CPI) for that same period. Since the Superannuation Reforms in 2000, NSL has delivered an average interest rate of 10% over the last 23 years
**2014 - 2023

Why choose
Nambawan Super?

Strong performance

Strong Performance

The Fund's diverse investment strategy aims to deliver optimum risk-adjusted returns over the medium and long-term.

PNGs biggest fund

PNG's biggest fund

Our strategic approach to investments, combined with the experience of being the longest serving Superfund has contributed to Nambawan Super's success over the years, resulting in having close to K10 billion in Funds Under Management.

Service excellence

Service excellence

Our Members are at the centre of everything we do. We are respectful of and responsive to our Members and staff to deliver high quality outcomes, continually innovating and improving our ways of working to deliver.

Building better futures

Building better futures

Our range of products and their features have been tailored and refined over the years to assist our Members achieve their best long-term financial goals in full compliance with PNG legislation.

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    "I've become more financially literate
and appreciate the opportunity provided
by Nambawan Super."

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