
The results obtained from these calculators are for general purposes only to illustrate the effect of compound interest and are not intended as a substitute for professional financial advice. Before making any financial decisions on the basis of these results, you will need to consult with an independent financial planner or accountant as well as consider whether the advice is suitable to meet your personal financial objectives and circumstances.

The actual performance of any investments will depend on future economic conditions, investment management, fees and taxation. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance and as a result of this, all the results are hypothetical and are NOT GUARANTEED.

Nambawan Super specifically disclaims any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of or in any way connected with the access to or use of these calculators. To the extent permitted by law, under no circumstances will Nambawan Super be liable for any loss or damage caused by a user's reliance on the information by using these calculators.


Projected super balance at retirement:

The projected total super balance takes into account your starting balance, employee and employer contributions, any additional voluntary contributions as well as interest earned between now and your retirement.

Retirement age:

We have assumed a default retirement age of 65. This can be adjusted in the calculator.

Working life:

The calculator assumes that you will have a continuous working life with no breaks up to your retirement age.

Interest rate:

The default investment returns have been set at 6.0%. This is based on the Nambawan Super 10-year average interest rate.

Employee contributions:

PNG Superannuation laws dictate that 6% is the mandatory minimum contribution for employees to make. Employees may choose to contribute more than the minimum.

Employer contributions:

PNG Superannuation laws dictate that 8.4% is the mandatory minimum contribution that employers have to make. Employers may choose to contribute more than the minimum.

At 31 December 2023, our strategic approach to investments has contributed to Nambawan Super Limited's success over the years resulting in making us the largest superannuation fund in PNG by assets under management, currently worth over K10 billion.

What is NSL's Crediting Rate?

At NSL, the Members' superannuation investment return is determined by a Crediting Rate.

Ideally, the Members' crediting rate is equal to NSL's Net Profit After Tax, after allowing for any reserves (if applicable). This is referred to as Net Surplus Available to Members, which is then distributed to all Members of the Fund.

NSL determines an Annual Crediting Rate early each calendar year which is applied to the Member account balances retrospectively for the period from 1 January to 31 December of the previous year.

NSL also determines and applies an Interim Crediting Rate in the event that a Member exits the Fund, such that the Member's final entitlement includes an earnings rate for the period from the most recent Annual Crediting Rate till the date of exit.

The current Interim Crediting Rate stands at 4.5% (as of 11 September 2024)

Updates from the most recent Financial Results declaration

Following an extremely tough year in 2022, the Fund entered 2023 with even stronger determination and resolve to deliver better results to our Members, and they are as follows; 

  • Fund Membership grew by 7,909 (3.6%) to 228,319 Members;
  • Net Asset Value now totals K9.84 billion, an increase of K848 million.
  • Net Profit after Tax is K659 million, an increase of K515 million.
  • This equates to a 7% interest delivered to our Members.
  • Total Member contributions received in 2023 was K970 million.
  • Total Member benefit payments paid out to Members in 2023, was a staggering K781 million

Despite enduring tough local and global economic conditions, Nambawan Super has delivered strong results. 

If anything, the success of 2023, compared to those of 2022 is an important reminder to us all that from year to year results will go up or down, but superannuation is a long-term investment. 

The 2023 results have been achieved due to a combination of investment earnings received from interest, dividend, and rental income. The Fund’s international assets performed strongly in 2023 as Global markets proved resilient and recovered strongly following the surge in inflation in 2022. Additionally, foreign exchange gains, largely driven by the BPNG’s currency devaluation program, have also contributed to the strong performance of the Fund’s offshore investments.

Locally, the Fund’s assets did not perform as well due to reduced yields from State Securities, lower dividends realised from the Fund’s unlisted equity holdings, and reduced rental income. 

The Fund’s listed equities, however, did perform well driven largely by the strong performance of BSP Financial Group despite having to contend with the increased 45% Corporate Banking Tax introduced at the start of 2023. 

What results are important for Members?

In addition to the successful 2023 results that that Chairman has announced, NSL continues to deliver positive outcomes for our Members such as:

  • A total of K116 million in State Share Benefits paid out to 1,378 Members;
  • A total of K102 million in Housing Advance paid out to support 4,958 Members purchase, build or improve their homes; and,
  • A total of K781 million was paid out through Exits, Normal & Death Benefit Payments, Transfers, Unemployment Benefits, Housing Advances and RSA Withdrawals to Members and Member Beneficiarie

We are extremely proud that amidst all the challenges, we are able to promptly process and payout Members when they are ready to retire. 

Since the roll-out of the State’s retirement exercise in 2021, we continue to see high benefit payments each year as many of our long-serving, high-value Members exit the Fund. 

Even with these higher value Member exits, the Fund continues to deliver strong growth in Membership numbers year on year, demonstrated once again in 2023 when we welcomed 7,909 Members.

What does NSL's performance look like over the last five years?

Over the last five years, NSL has produced the following results can be seen in the Statistical Summary table below.

    2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Total Investment Income K(m) 858 351 737 287 703
Total Expenses K(m) 137 129 130 140 123
Income Tax Expense K(m) 62 78 81 58 76
Net Profit after Tax K(m) 659 144 526 89 504
Balance sheet
Net Assets K(m) 9,839 8,991 8,823 8,140 7,683
Net Asset Growth % 9.4 1.9 8.4 6.0 11.5
Reserves K(m) 56 45 42 44 34
Reserves as a percentage of Net Assets % 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4
Return to Members
Interest Credited to Members % 7.0 1.6 6.5 1.0 7.0
Headline Inflation Rate % 3.5 6.3 5.7 5.8 3.3
Real Return to Members % 3.5 -4.7 0.8 -4.8 3.7
Number of Members   228,319 220,410 214,540 207,986 199,351
Average Wealth Per Member K 45,067 40,792 38,689 38,814 39,612
Number of RSA Members   6,818 6,643 5,584 4,989 4,720
Number of Choice Super Members   21,478 20,211 19,194 17,184 13,245
Number of Members making Voluntary Contributions   33,780 31,614 30,391 28,860 26,731
Number of Pensioners   672 674 674 674 618
Member contribution & payouts
Contributions received K(m) 970 1,025 827 801 758
Gross Exit Payouts K(m) 781 1,002 645 441 477
Total Pension Payments K(m) 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.6
Total Benefit Payments made   30,998 30,108 26,487 23,785 25,460
Trustee expenses
Management Expenses K(m) 87 77 81 76 68
Investment and Administration Expenses   51 52 49 63 54
Number of Staff   228 205 192 179 162

View our annual reports