Nambawan Super Limited (NSL) this week, joined over 2,500 teachers at the Sioni Kami Memorial Church in the National Capital District, to witness the Teachers Dedication service organized by their employer, the Teachers Service Commission.

This is NSL’s first major stakeholder engagement for 2025, and it is fitting that it is with Teachers who make up the largest Membership base for NSL. The Education Department makes up approximately fifty percent (50%) of the total membership base of Nambawan Super.

Speaking during the event, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Paul Sayer encouraged Teachers to update their beneficiary lists and Member bio-data, to invest in their future and consider making additional contributions through Voluntary Contribution, which also positions them for Housing Advance, and make the most of NSL’s services such as the FREE Financial Literacy Program available to all NSL Members, which aims to educate and empower Members so that they are equipped to take the necessary steps for a comfortable and financially secure retirement.

“We want to make sure that our Members are able to look after themselves when they retire. We also want to make sure that Members identify their Beneficiaries and regularly update these lists as and when life changes. We want to see you, our Members, who have worked hard all your life and have saved money after a long period of time, be able to live comfortably off your superannuation savings, and clearly understand the different options you have available for you to retire in comfort and financial security.”

Whilst speaking about retirement, Mr. Sayer also used the opportunity to thank the Government on behalf of all NSL’s 235,000 Members, for the recent announcement that Members who have been contributing for 15 years or more, would no longer have their retirement savings taxed two (2) percent upon withdrawal. This is extremely positive news for NSL Members.

“This change is expected to take effect this year in 2025 and is very good news for our Members who have been faithfully contributing to their superannuation savings for over 15 years, as this will mean they will have access to their full super savings upon retirement.”

During the event, the teachers were fortunate to receive an update from Mr. Sayer, on the preliminary results for 2024, indicating that the Financial Results for 2024 was looking positive. He mentioned that the current Interim Crediting Rate sits at 6%, however, expects the final 2024 interest rate that will be declared, to be one of the highest since he joined the Fund seven (7) years ago.

Mr. Sayer emphasised, “The financial results that I am sharing with you now are preliminary results. This means that these numbers are not the final results, however, they provide an early unaudited snapshot and indication of Nambawan Super’s performance. We expect to confirm the final results in the next few months, which will be presented during the annual Financial Results Announcement later this year.”

As at December 2024, our preliminary results for the full 2024 financial year are:

  • 235,888 Members
  • K894 million Member Contributions received
  • K450 Million Member Benefits paid
  • K94 million in Unfunded State Share Benefits paid out to 1,942 Members;
  • K106 million in Housing Advance paid out to support 5,029 Members purchase, build or improve their homes;

“We are extremely proud that amidst all the challenges in 2024, we are able to promptly process and payout Members' superannuation savings when they are ready to retire. Since the roll-out of the State’s retirement exercise in 2021, we continue to see high benefit payments each year as many of our long-serving, high-value Members exit the Fund. We will also continue to work closely with the State who are working to fully fund payments for the historical unpaid employer contributions.”

Mr. Sayer added, “It is important to remember that from year to year, our results will go up and down. Members should remain confident, however, that their savings will grow over the long term despite experiencing the occasional tough year.”
Apart from the preliminary results shared, Nambawan Super utilised the opportunity to provide Member Services to Teachers present, to address queries and collect Member Detail Update Forms before they start the busy academic year.