Nambawan Super Limited (NSL) confirms that it has received payment of K60 million from the State.
This payment is in line with the agreement reached between the State and NSL last year, where the State had committed to settling its total rental arrears through monthly installments of K5 million for the previously accrued arrears and K5 million to pay its current rental invoices.
The State’s total rental arrears owing to NSL is expected to be fully cleared with its account brought to current by June 2024, if the State continues to honor the promised payment of K10 million per month.
NSL remains committed to working closely with the State to ensure that their outstanding rental arrears are settled as agreed in the payment schedule.
NSL appreciates that the State has given priority, amongst its other liabilities, to the retirement outcomes of Nambawan Super’s 220,000 Members, many of whom are public servants working in the Departments occupying these buildings.
Nambawan Super Members are the hard-working teachers, health workers, police officers, firefighters, public servants and private sector employees that support the development of this Country through their contributions to education, health, internal security, Government services and private business.
After dedicating their working lives to supporting the development of PNG, Nambawan Super believes it is essential that they are able to enjoy a dignified retirement supported by their superannuation savings.